Pleasure to Meet You

Pleasure to Meet You

2019 Mixed media installation 200 x 140 cm On loan from the artists When you go back in time, the past becomes your future. When you go forward in time, the future becomes the past. Heterotopias are spaces that disrupt the continuity and normality of common everyday...
Pleasure to Meet You

Pleasure to Meet You

2019 Mixed media installation 200 x 140 cm On loan from the artists When you go back in time, the past becomes your future. When you go forward in time, the future becomes the past. Heterotopias are spaces that disrupt the continuity and normality of common everyday...
Der Magnetiseur

Der Magnetiseur

2018 HD video 60 minutes On loan from the artist and Everard Read Gallery. Michael McGarry presents a self-portrait in the form of a lived-film carnivalesque performance. Prosthetic arms extend from the artist to digital piano as he performs a composition while seated...
Thule ii

Thule ii

2016 Pencil, watercolour and gouache on wood panel 16 x 120 cm On loan from the artist and Gallery MOMO.