#MoloMOCAA: Siseko Maweyi

When you think of a museum, what picture comes to mind? Beautiful or interesting art? A unique building? Engaging programming? You wouldn’t be wrong if those were your answers, but it’s also people.

This is the first in our series #MoloMOCAA that introduces the people who work at and visit Zeitz MOCAA.

We start with Siseko Maweyi, one of our Gallery Guides, who shares his experiences of working at the museum:

My duty is to facilitate conversations around the artworks and some of the museum’s concepts to the public. I fulfil the role of a host and welcome individuals into my home away from home.

I find myself missing seeing new and fresh faces. In a role where I have interacted with thousands of people month-in and month-out from various backgrounds, to suddenly enter isolation has been an ongoing shock to the system.

But I have found some inspirations as I have returned to writing, something I had lost motivation for in the hustle and bustle of daily life and remember fondly when I had my first poem published.

As much as I feel constrained, I also feel as if I’m on the precipice of renewal and rejuvenation.

And so too, do I dream fondly of returning to the monumental space where I have made so many connections with the multitudes of passionate voices and hearts that not only kept me on my toes but dancing through the excitable halls of the museum.

I look forward to welcoming you all into this home again soon.