Zanele Muholi

Zanele Muholi

Zanele Muholi lives in Johannesburg and was born in Umlazi, Durban. In 2003 she studied Advanced Photography at the Market Photo Workshop in Newtown, Johannesburg and completed an MFA in Documentary Media at Ryerson University, Toronto in 2009. She is also an Honorary...
Taiye Idahor

Taiye Idahor

Taiye Idahor was born in 1984 in Lagos, Nigeria, where she currently lives and works.  Idahor works in collage, drawing, sculpture, and mixed media. In 2007, she graduated from the Yaba College of Technology in Lagos with a Fine Arts diploma, specialising in...
Kehinde Wiley

Kehinde Wiley

Kehinde Wiley was born in Los Angeles and currently lives and works in New York. Wiley obtained a Bachelor of Fine Art from the San Francisco Art Institute in 1999 and received his Master of Fine Art from Yale University School of Art in 2001. In all his work, Wiley...
Leonce Raphael Agbodjélou

Leonce Raphael Agbodjélou

Leonce Raphael Agbodjélou was born in Porto-Novo, Benin. Agbodjélou is best known for his photographs of the people of Porto-Novo, as in his ongoing series, ‘Citizens of Porto-Novo’, which attempts to document and capture a generation in the transition...
Hank Willis Thomas

Hank Willis Thomas

Hank Willis Thomas was born in Plainfield, New Jersey in the United States of America. In 1998 he graduated with a BFA in Photography and Africana studies at New York University, completing an MFA in Photography and an MA in Visual Criticism at California College of...