Miriro Mwandiambira

Miriro Mwandiambira

Miriro Mwandiambira was born in Zimbabwe where she currently lives and works.  Mwandiambira is a graduate of National Gallery Visual Art Studio with a National Certificate in Fine Art(2014). She is currently a painting resident at Chinembiri studios. As an artist,...
Rehema Chachage

Rehema Chachage

Rehema Chachage was born in Dar es Salaam and is a visual artist working in performance, photography, video, sound and installations. She has a BA Fine Art from University of Cape Town (2009); and MA Contemporary Art Theory from Goldsmiths, University of London...
Russell Bruns

Russell Bruns

Russell Bruns was born in Johannesburg, South Africa and lives in London, UK. Bruns completed his BFA at Rhodes University in 2012. Bruns received the John Hodgkiss for Photography, Raymond Pullen Scholarship and Masters Scholarship and completed his MFA at Rhodes...
Rory Emmett

Rory Emmett

Rory  Emmett lives and works in Cape Town and completed his BAFA at Michaelis School of Fine Art (UCT) in 2014. He majored in painting, and in his final year was awarded the Judy Steinberg Painting Prize.  Emmett was the 2014 recipient of the Hoosein Mohamed Award and...
Bonolo Kavula

Bonolo Kavula

Born in Kimberley, South Africa Bonolo  Kavula works and lives in Cape Town, South Africa. She obtained a BA(FA) from the Michaelis School of Fine Art (University of Cape Town) majoring in Printmaking in 2014. She works predominantly in print media and incorporates...